Thursday, December 4, 2014

It's Not You, It's Me

Our beautiful baby boy sure it cute.  Thank God for that, must be by design.  How else would it be possible not lose your mind and scream if you weren't staring at that adorable double chin, chubby cheeks and big beautiful eyes?!  He sure is cute but doesn't sleep "like a baby".  What does that even mean?
My Mr. and I were about to lose our minds.  We were checking all our hospital papers for the return policy.  Our beautiful little angel would.not.sleep.  I mean, for reals.  He must be broken.  Does he want more food?  Let me pump and we can feed him.

Not only wasn't he sleeping but he was SCREAMING.  We tried everything, we search every possible reason a baby would cry and we were up all hours of the night.   I changed my diet, we held him longer, we changed feeding and sleeping positions, we cried, we bought fancy Gripe Water, we did baby yoga exercises, we cried.  He had to be hungry, right?  So naturally our instinct is/was to feed him when he has just lost his mind and won't sleep.  Feed the boy - that has got to be it.   Finally, after multiple appointments and calls to my pediatrician offered a few extra tests to see what exactly might be going on with our 5 week old little babe.  At last, answers!

:: Dramatic Pause::

Ahhhh, I see...  I was poisoning him.  It turns out that my milk was what was bothering him.  Humph! Apparently feeding him was NOT the answer.  I was the reason he was so uncomfortable and acting -like a fool-.  Poor little babe has a milk protein allergy.  Even when I changed my diet that boy couldn't hack the milk protein.  Poor babe.  So now he gets to enjoy the sweet ::ugh:: taste of designer formula - Nutramigen.  Holy CRAP that formula is expensive and disgusting.
We had to take him in for some further testing and xrays to make sure everything in that little tummy was okay and he passed all with flying colors.  Now we just get to enjoy the smell of Nutramigen spit-up, burps, diapers and it is especially fun to find a day-old bottle under the crib. Gag!

So no more of mommy's milk for this little Tiger.  This means mommy will probably never drop the baby weight but also mean he can finally ~sleep like a baby~  Ha!


Monday, December 1, 2014

Hello There!

You found me!
I am currently hiding in the front room so my toddler can't find me...
Now that you know I am a terrible mom who hides from her kids, what else should you know?  I have two beautiful little boys - Big H (The Bear) and Baby H (The Tiger). Big H is a 3-year-old nut who keeps us entertained on a daily basis and Baby H is probably just as nutty but is is too new to determine.  I work in education as an instructional coach but spent 8 years as a kindergarten teacher.  This experience makes me feel like I should know what I am doing with my boys but often I am just confused.  It was was easier to manage other people's children.

I think I am pretty funny and am pretty sure you will too - sometimes I even make my husband laugh. I've got some pretty great stories and my toddler is always giving me new material, so hopefully I will be here for a while! I have a tendency to start things and not stick to them (like the hutch that has been sitting in my dining room for over a year... unfinished), but let's see how long I can keep this blog rolling.

Ahh, he found me!